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Ryorin Academy – The Targetted Disciplinary Officer: Aoi Nanami

Set in a corner of the city stands the "Private Ryourin Academy." Founded on the [...]

Genius Rookie Adventurer – The Fall to Miserable Slavery

A short RPG focusing on embarrassing situations where an adventurer girl is forced to follow [...]

Runaway Girl Aoi’s Escape from the Ruins

Futaba Aoi, a current high school student, used to spend her junior high school days [...]

She, the Molester and the Crowded Train

The protagonist is Saijo Emiri, a high school girl who attends an all-girls school. She [...]

Alice in Crisis!

An adventure RPG where you (the staff) brutally violate the students of your choice at [...]

Sorcery Kingdom

Recent magic school graduate Leticia needs to impress Albert, the wizard of Antheim Castle. TO [...]

Pixel Action Game: Marilyn and the Secret Workshop

Story Ancient ruins awaken, and the dormant mechanical beasts known as “Kikaiju” begin to move. [...]

Mary’s Undercover Investigation of the Mansion of an Unscrupulous Politician

Adorable girl in a highly inappropriate and intense situation! A puzzle-solving RPG with animations and [...]